I knit. And I cook, write, take pictures. All for one low price.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

check this out!

This just in from the Dear Husband (he is a teacher).

Please click on this link if you don't mind.

So cool that they decided to use that particular picture to advertise the contest!


Yes Melanie, :) I was just getting my soapbox ready when the washer delivery guys showed up. They are shoehorning that thing into our little house as we speak.



Anonymous said...

Enjoy your new washer! If it makes you feel any better, I'm on my third brand new stove in five years! I'm not even over-using it. It's certainly given me incentive not to buy any new yarn and to use what I have in my stash!Oh well. Loved the picture in the link!
Take care - Sharon F.

melanie said...

What a really cool picture! That would make a neat poster for a yarn shop...wonder who owns the rights to it?

Congrats on the washer...we have front loader and love it, AND it uses less water. Yay!

Just joined my local Freecycle group to see what I can give away as I de-clutter around here. Can't wait! Am finding all kinds of stash BTW, need to knit more!

SpiderWomanKnits said...

What a picture! That's great ;-)

Enjoy your new washer. It's amazing how efficient and how clean your clothes will come out with so very little soap. You know you have to use HE detergent?

Congrats to your son too :-)

Anonymous said...

I love the picture. My husband is really into old pictures so I will be sure to show him this one. For Christmas we found an old picture of Gretchen's building when it first opened as a school in the late 1800s. She is getting a new lg washer and dryer today. Same deal you got from Home Depot. She is exhausted - worked 6 - 12 hr shifts in 7 days!
Enjoy the retreat.

AmyS said...

I love that photo - thanks for sharing it with us. History and knitting, the perfect combo (well, it could use a smidge of chocolate, LOL). Happy new washer - hope it has a long life.

AmyS said...

Hi Karin. I think I posted a comment before, but I wanted to ask you to check out my blog today (Saturday). :)