I knit. And I cook, write, take pictures. All for one low price.

Monday, May 4, 2009

those two pictures

...in the last post were :

- yes: the crab apple tree from the back yard blooming like crazy. Tall Son, you are so observant!

- not "Phlox of Sheep" like Alison tried to point out, though that made me laugh and chuckle.

- two picures of the same thing.

We were talking about doing swatches, remember? To translate that into my pictures, when I do take them, I don't just take one. I take several of the same object. Then I upload them and look at them on my screen, to see which ones I'm going to keep, and which ones I'm going to delete.

When you bake cookies, make a cake, or try out a new recipe, you taste it and make sure that it's good enough to serve.

When you buy a new car, you testdrive it.

When you...oh, I think you get the picture.

When you buy yarn to make a sweater, SWATCH! To see what needle size is best to use with it, to see what kind of stitch pattern shows the yarn to its best advantage. Etc.

The end.

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Good thing I took two pairs of needles last night, because the first pair, after swatching, I was going, definitely not those. Since I had nothing else to do for All.Those.Hours. in the ER, thank goodness for the second pair! And for swatching first.