Dear Husband later insisted on the ER, where they did a CT scan and pronounced it normal.
Which I feel very far from.
Mostly I feel very stupid, for taking up room in the ER where there were little and big people who really needed help. Whereas I should have just looked where I was going.
It has taken me three days to form this post in my head, my mind feels so numb. And if anyone could explain to me why my ears hurt? (I hit the top of my head.) The doctor who saw me didn't seem to pay that any mind.
Take good care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon!
You were right to go to the ER -- any head injury should be checked out. And don't forget, many more obvious and gory injuries are caused by mistakes that are much stupider, really -- don't be so hard on yourself!
--Elizabeth D
Did you ever hear of the "Darwin Awards"? Just be thankful you didn't qualify for one of those.LOL! Hope you're feeling fine in no time!'BTW, still love the yarn!
I was in Albany today for a neurologist appointment and was going to call you. Turns out I should have. I could have brought you lunch and helped you dye. Head injuries are no fun. You were right to go to the ER. Better safe than a slow bleed.
Try to take it easy.
I hope you are feeling better! I'm sending healing thoughts your way. I am a self-professed klutz and I know how it feels when you cut/burn/bump/whack something!
sorry to hear about your injury. ouch! let me know if you need help with anything. get better soon.
I should have read this before asking what on earth happened. Goodness. I'm glad you took it seriously. I'd ask a neurologist about the ears hurting--I have a kid who lost half his hearing for about two weeks after a concussion.
Hmmmm... that ear issue just doesn't seem right. Take it easy and rest your bones. Don't push yourself and let your body heal. I'll be sending you some heaing energy!
I'm sorry to hear about your accident, never feel bad about seeking medical attention!! I hope you're feeling better today.
Hi Karin, Sorry about the bump. Don't we do goofy stuff sometimes?
I so much enjoyed your pictures from the fiber festival. I missed MS&W this year and it doesn't sit right with me. Thanks for the fix.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Ouch! Hope you made it to the couch for a rest today.
I was thinking about your colour issues with the pictures - do you use any editing stuff like Picassa or Photoshop ( I use Picassa because it is pretty idiot proof.) They have colour balance adjustment things that could change the picture, like the first one which is too blue into a warmer image....
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