I knit. And I cook, write, take pictures. All for one low price.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

testing, 1-2-3

The Sock Summit is exactly two months away, and the dyeing will be in full swing starting next week. (First I need to finish painting my kitchen, but that's a whole 'nother story!)

I have about 30 colors that are going to be my staple for now, and then there are a bazillion pretties in between that are going to be part of an amazing, full rainbow of color by the time I am done. 600 skeins is the goal, and I am hoping for more if I can squeeze in some extra.

There will be photos up soon on a website, and to that end have been taking pictures.
That part is not going so well. I have a Canon Powershot A630, which has served me well, but seems to have been discontinued. If there is anyone out there that can give me some helpful hints and tips as to the best way to photograph yarn and get the color right, I'd appreciate it a lot!

Here are five examples; the original background was a white pillowcase. Most of them came out OK, but I have a lot of trouble with blues/purples/greens.

'Strawberries and Cream'

no idea, I can't tell the color. I think it's 'fresh lavender'.


'Roasted Eggplant'

'Spilled Wine'
Just so you're prepared, there will not be much else going on here during the next two months, other than getting ready for "the greatest sock show on earth"!


April said...

I can help with some photograhpy stuff!

First, a "white box" will help immensely. The Strobist has information on making one here, for dirt cheap: http://strobist.blogspot.com/2006/07/how-to-diy-10-macro-photo-studio.html

Also, check the white balance on your camera. All cameras will work differently, so you might have to mess around with yours to figure it out.

Finally, consider borrowing/investing in a SLR camera (the kind with interchangeable lenses) and a 50 prime lens...of course, that is an ideal! If you can't, try using the macro setting on your camera to be able to get close-ups without distorting it.

Good luck and best wishes!

AlisonH said...

The Spilled Wine colorway wants to leap off the screen and onto my needles, ahead of everything else or any other project already OTN--gorgeous!

Mare said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That Strawberries and Cream brought a tear to my eye and a flutter to my heart. That is BEAUTIFUL!

Elizabeth said...

Those are some seriously gorgeous yarns!! My recommendation (with my limited experience...) is to take shots out in the natural light whenever you can, or get good indirect light from a window. My photos always seems to need to be 'un'saturated, the colors from my Nikon come out too rich. All the cameras are a little quirky!

Happy dying, and boy does those sandwiches look delicious, I'm jealous of all your cooking skills!!

Quinn said...

I've had pretty good luck photographing yarn in natural light - but not direct sunlight - using a very basic point&shoot digital. On a slightly overcast day I can shoot anywhere outside, and if it's sunny I shoot on my screenporch or indoors near a big window - again, not actually in the direct sunlight.
If you're going to manipulate the colors after you shoot, it might be easier if you use a solid-colored background and then adjust to match that, rather than trying to match the yarn which is a lot more complex, color-wise. Pretty, too!!