I knit. And I cook, write, take pictures. All for one low price.

Sunday, January 7, 2007


It always starts innocently enough. I start the new year all organized. For example: my plan was to knit one charity item, one pair of socks, and one sweater (or shawl) a month. Then I start knitting. And the inevitable happens: I become dizzy. Over the holidays, I was reasonable enough to put away most WIP's so we could actually have guests and decorations. Now it's January 7th, and I am surrounded by yarn and needles already. I can't stop thinking about all the projects I want to make besides the ones I already have on the needles. My mind starts thinking in yarn. Colors. Stitch patterns. I want to do it all NOW. I go digging in the stash, because a friends' sister had a preemie little boy last week and of course he must be knitted for. Then there's another little boy in Nova Scotia for whom I've wanted to knit something since he was born in September. I am also joining a local KAL for a Dale sweater; my parents are both turning 70 in about a year, and I want to make them both Dale sweaters. I have two hand-dye companies to design for, who are both waiting for designs from me. It's all whirling together right now, and there are not enough hours in the day to do it in. I stir the pasta on the stove, I think of a new circular scarf pattern. I do the dishes, the soap bubbles evoke a new stitch pattern. My husband catches me staring into space on the sofa and wonders (once again) what's wrong with her?

So what do I do to stop the whirling? I go knit in the round. Go figure. Plain old socks on 5 dpn's. Nothing calms me like knitting in a small round. I got half a sock done this morning, and I feel better already.

Today, I will finish a red scarf for the Red Scarf Project. At least that'll take care of my charity project.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Gasp! I found you!!

HELLO!! (picture the frantic waving).

And yes, really, drat you for making me pack more yarn. Seriously. I mean, how could we really be friends after you sent me two GORGEOUS boxes of the most LOVELY yarn? I just don't think it's possible.


Thank you, and you're wonderful, and if anyone says anything diff'rnt, send 'em my way, and I'll 'splain it to them. With a sharp pair of 0 dpns. :)