I was up too late too many nights in a row.
Mornings, I'd be up with the hubby and kids, make sure everyone got to school, and then from 8 am until 2 minutes before I had to go to work (or someone would come home from school), I'd be dyeing yarn. I have a teeny tiny kitchen, so the thought of dyeing yarn while anyone was home and possibly wanting a snack or something was completely out of the question. So I needed to clean up any and all food and dishes, get out the dyeing equipment, start heating water, mix dyes, etc. In short, every single day I had to set up a complete dye studio, only to eradicate all evidence a few short hours later.
Today was my last shot at dyeing a few more skeins, and I was starting to get a little impatient. Also we had more "unseasonably high" temperatures and mugginess, and I was getting hot and bothered and I knew that yarn probably wasn't going to dry in time. (In fact, that yarn is now being fanned by a high velocity fan.) I was faced with white yarn, and a jar of just-below-boiling dye. I looked at the yarn, looked at the jar, and in it went. The whole 8 oz skein fit right into that quart jar. Beautiful! I let it sit there for a few minutes, got enchanted and took a few pictures. It came out way beyond my expectations. Only a little splotchy in some spots, but with nice gradations. I am definitely going to have to noodle with that idea again. Like put some dye in the jar, add the yarn, then add a different color on top.
I was saying I was up way too late for way too many nights, reason being I wanted to finish the Twisty Turns wrap (from "Wrap Style"), so Decadent Fibers could have it for Rhinebeck. This morning, I threw in the towel. After three nights of waking up with a completely numb arm, tingling fingers and a sore wrist, I decided it is not worth it. I will get back to it next week, hoping they'll still want it.
Now, I'm off to tag the yarn that is ready. Thank you Laura, so much, to making the tags for me!! "Random Beauty Yarns"...
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